Notice to Proceed has been issued for the Kato Road Grade Separation Project. This project will separate Kato Road from the active freight rail corridor currently owned by Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). When complete, Kato Road will run depressed underneath the rail corridor. BCI’s scope of work includes electrical and controls for the pump station, which was designed for infiltrated groundwater and storm water management. Work is expected to be fully complete in 2013.
BCI Main Office
445 Boulder Ct.
Pleasanton, CA. 94566
Phone: (510) 657-3686
Fax: (510) 657-3688License and DIR
CSLB: 679326
DIR: 1000000447Certifications
Alameda County Transportation Commission LBE: BLO20170707-01
- Electrical (38)
- General Contracting (22)
- Mechanical (14)
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