BCI was recently awarded a contract for electrical and standby power improvements at the South San Francisco / San Bruno Water Quality Control Plant. This project consists of demolition of an existing standby generator building, construction of a new pile-supported standby generator building, installation of a new 2000KW standby engine generator and switchgear, and replacement of an aging busduct system with a new 2500A rated cable bus system. Work is expected to be complete in 2014.
BCI Main Office
445 Boulder Ct.
Pleasanton, CA. 94566
Phone: (510) 657-3686
Fax: (510) 657-3688License and DIR
CSLB: 679326
DIR: 1000000447Certifications
Alameda County Transportation Commission LBE: BLO20170707-01
- Electrical (38)
- General Contracting (22)
- Mechanical (14)
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